Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Hostage Deal - Nuclear Deal Etc. : National Security Is A Joke

How is it that this kind of thing is allowed to continue? Again and again Mr Ogbjma's religious jihad for transformation is going full speed ahead guaranteeing a future nuclear war in the middle east and possibly here in America all the while there is virtually no opposition.

Congress is angry and demands answers?! Oh no, now Mr Ogbjma is in trouble.

It is clear to me, and as I have stated in the past on many occasions, Mr Ogbjma is a religious domestic terrorist that has free reign to attack us any time he wants and where we live. The Iranian nuclear deal is just part of his strategic plan that he told us about in 2008 where he will make ''fundamental changes'' in Amerian civil society.

Who Mr Ogbjma is and what he intends for us is not a question any longer. Some of us knew from the beginning he was not one of us or from around here. And yet millions are ready to bend the knee and bow the head in dedication and compliance to his demands for obedience.

It's also clear to me we are now we are living that promise for fundamental change, transformation, and only a few citizens seem to care that it will ultimately be our demise. Not even members of congress are doing anything to stop the destruction.

Hostage Deal Is Latest Example of Obama’s Sell-Out to Iran
Genevieve Wood / /

The only thing more pathetic than the Obama administration paying the Islamist Republic of Iran ransom for American hostages, and thereby ensuring more Americans will be taken hostage by thug regimes around the world, is that they expect us to believe, despite evidence to the contrary, that they didn’t.  Right.

First, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry sidestepped Congress when negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran. Now we’re learning they also sidestepped America’s long-standing policy of not paying ransom for hostages when they secretly shipped $400 million to Tehran last January on the very same day American hostages were released. The White House now says this was just the down payment on the $1.7 billion settlement it had come to with Iran on an almost four decades old dispute.

If it’s that simple and the payment had absolutely no connection to the hostage release, why did Obama leave out that little $400 million detail when announcing the historic deal at the White House? Why all the secrecy around making it happen? Why is the money flown in on an unmarked cargo plane? Why refuse to explain, even when Congress asks, how the payment is being made? And why do senior Iranian officials publicly claim the payment was in fact a ransom payment?

Once again, Obama found a way to go around a U.S. law that got in the way of him doing what he wanted to do. In this case, the administration was hell-bent on legacy building, and Obama wanted as part of his legacy a nuclear deal with Iran, a deal we suspected then and now know was much more beneficial to Iran than the U.S. and our allies.

Iran, for its part, wanted money. That’s because economic sanctions were working and making it harder for Iran to get access to free flowing capital that they could then pass along to their pals in Hezbollah and Assad in Syria. Terrorism isn’t a cheap business. But, for good reason, it is illegal under U.S. law to make any transaction with Iran that involves U.S. dollars. So the Obama negotiating whiz team found a way to break the spirit of the law without actually breaking the word of the law.

They sent U.S. dollars to banks in Switzerland and the Netherlands, had them changed to foreign currencies, including euros and Swiss francs, and then put them on a plane and shipped them to Tehran. Perhaps not a textbook example of money laundering, but you get the idea.

The White House response to all this? Nothing to see here. It’s all coincidence. Oh, and by the way, that $1.7 billion settlement we negotiated is a really good deal and the American taxpayer should be thankful we stood our ground and didn’t give the Iranians all they were asking for.

For the record, four American hostages, held on bogus charges, were released by Iran. In return, we released seven Iranian nationals facing charges in the U.S., and said we’d stop going after 14 others that were on an international police agency watch list. And it was on top of that lopsided agreement that we also threw in $400 million euros, francs, whatever.

And where do things stand today? Pretty much where you’d expect. Congress is mad and demanding the White House explain itself. Administration spokesmen say it’s all ado about nothing. Meantime, three more Americans are now being held hostage and Iran is back at the table demanding $2 billion in frozen funds be handed over.  Pathetic, indeed.

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