Sunday, August 28, 2016

Teaching Socialist Dogma to The Unwashed : But Professors Can't Lead for Free

Socialist professors copyThey don't preach the gospil of progressive socialism for free because it's their job to know what is best for you, and then telling you how to live your life.

And since 'we are living is a closed society, guarded by a longevity of indiferent ignorance and depraved insolence, we have to have adequate compensation that is befitting our place in that sociality.

'Our years of study have shown us the truth of the universe and therefore it's complexities have been revealed to us. We are the chosen ones to lead.

'You, the common man, are placed in society in such a way that it is your duty and honor to work hard to make sure we have the all of the needed benefits of privilege that will sustain us now and into the future to insure we will continue unabated by a necessity to labor in common fields of endeavor as leaders.

'And because we been educated to the highest levels and therefore have been placed in positions of leadership, with special abilities to explain how life should be lived, it is our right to have access to the fruits of your labor.

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