Thursday, July 07, 2016

FBI Director Took The Call? : It's Bad, But Nothing to See Here.

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It isn't unreasonable to believe a television series could be made to thrill the public like The Godfather did a few year ago.

Only this time the basis for the series can be billed as 'real life events' staring members of the progressive democrat collective and the incentives they use to convince their members in good standing or others in the system, to obey the rules.

In the natural order of things in our complex society, we never know what will happen next, so it's important to understand how we are concerned for everyone's safety. One just never knows when consequences are just right in nature bad things can happen to anyone.

Is Comey a member in good standing, maybe, or just another individual that works closely with those that are in control of the real power that makes all of the important decisions?

Given what has transpired over the last two decades with the Clintons, and how no matter how unlawful and criminal their actions are, they have escaped responsibility.

Doesn't it stand to reason the Clintons have a special way to convince others of their innocence?

It isn't unreasonable to believe that Mr Comey took the call explaining what is needed to happen with the possible indictment of Hillary Clinton and the consequence for not deciding what the appropriate action must be to clear Ms Clinton of any wrong doing concerning her unsecured private email server.

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