Sunday, July 17, 2016

America At War : No Way! I Refuse to Believe!

I wonder what it will take to convince the general public that Mr Ogbjma and the progressive socialist liberal democrats are not being honest with the people as to their intentions during the debate on terror?

I believe there is no situation or event that occurs in this country, including a nuclear strike, that will convince a majority of the voting public that the progressives are actually not who they say they are or what they actually believe or intend. It's just too difficult to comprehend that our elected officials are actively working to destroy our way of life.

Can 240 years of civilized society be destroyed in just 71/2 years. Possibly not.

But wait, think about this, when has this government been honest with anything that it has forced on the general public? OgbjmaCare? Iranian nuclear deal? Immigration? The debt and deficit? - Hillary's email personal server investigation by the FBI?

When has this government ever told us the truth about anything?

It seems that we in America cannot come to grips with the fact that we are under attack from forces inside and outside of the country. And the attack is not just from an adversary that are religious fanatics bent on our death and destruction, we have a similar religious organization with fanatic goals inside our country that believe we must change the direction of our society and country from a representative republic to a country dominated by an elite few that believe social justice for everyone can only be found by compliance and obedience to a higher law dictated by a centralized power.

The progressive socialist liberals democrats have demonstrated repeatedly over the last several decades, and clearly over the last 7 years under the leadership of Mr Ogbjma, America must be transformed to save it from past sins and future adventures that will cause the new and evolving 'new wave' world of thinking and enlightenment more problems.

Mr Ogbjma's new wave world jihad is religious and dedicated to joining the coming horde of religious transformers who now are demonstrating for all the world to see who and what they intend for all civilized nations. Be transformed or die.

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