Friday, December 05, 2014

Solar Plant Fails to Produce Energy : Porblems - The Weather - Who Knew?

The bottom line in all this crap of solar or wind energy generation being the new and affordable emery resource for now and the future is all about the insanity that is climate changers and progressive socialist politics.

Those that proclaim we are headed to Armageddon if we don't spend more $billions of dollars right now to save our selves from the rising oceans, hundreds of destructive tornados and category 5 hurricanes and any other catastrophic events that never happened in decades past, that those sitting in the front pew of the church of global warming, partaking profusely of the Kool-Aid of the warmers, can think of say is headed our way if we don't act immediately, again.

Please take a minute to think about this as it begs your full attention to understand a situation that is not happening and hasn't ever, man made climate change, and yet in the face of real scientific evidence, not consensus, reveals the globe is cooling naturally and has for more then 18 years, and yet thousands of people rage incessantly that global warming, man-made climate change, green house gases are world disasters ending all life if we don't act.

This is complete and total insanity - the rational mind reels trying to process concepts that defy reality with such unlimited energy, staggering ignorance and a total willingness to accept anything and everything they are told as the truth.

The only thing here that can be understood is virtually all of the changers, warmers are progressive socialist liberal democrats. Maybe this explains everything we need to know.

Solar Plant Asks Taxpayers for Money to Repay Taxpayers
Source: Scott Shackford, "Solar Plant Wants to Pay Off Massive Government Loan with Massive Government Grant,", November 11, 2014.

 November 13, 2014

The Ivanpah solar project took $1.6 billion in federal loan guarantees to construct a plant in the Mojoave Desert for a project that, altogether, cost $2.2 billion. It began operation in December 2013, but Scott Shackford at reports that the plant isn't exactly producing power at expected levels -- in fact, it's producing one-quarter of what was expected.

How does Ivanpah plan to pay back its large federal loan? According to Shackford, it has asked for a federal grant of $539 million in order to do so -- more money from federal taxpayers, who already provided the company with the original loan.

The plant blames its power problems on weather. According to Shackford, the solar plant is going to have to use natural gas in order to make up for its lack of energy generation.


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