Monday, December 29, 2014

Americans Believe the Christmas Story : Americans Believe Gov Has Failed

Have we fallen so far from our founding that we are now in a position to say we cannot believe that our government is actually here to help?

Have we become 'enemies of the state'? Have we fallen so far into that progressive socialist abyss that we have to hide from government's overreach that is an invasion into our personal lives to control all outcomes?

Is this what millions voted for, twice? It was bad enough the first time, but even after all of the disasters that have driven our great country that has seen prosperity of unparalleled excellence, millions willingly voted again for more disintegration of our way of life domestically, and for those else where in the world that believed we were are the last hope of man kind for the freedom to chose would now see us as just more of the same corruption that has infected so many other countries?

The lessons that should have been learned from the first four years of Mr Obama and his ilk with the progressive socialist ideology that believes that America should not be any better than anyone else in the world, there is no such thing as American Exceptionalism, and that citizens should not have the option to secure a better life for themselves or their families. Government assurances that they can be all things for all people for security is enough.

The socialist agenda of "each according to their needs and each according to their abilities" has not worked to secure prosperity and personal freedom. Where ever it has been tried it has failed. Why would million believe that it world work this time?

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