Sunday, October 26, 2014

Public's Ignorance of Reality Dooms Country to Failure?

What was it that fooled so many voters on two different occasions electing and then reelecting Mr Obama, given it was clear to see he was a total failure in all aspects of his tenor as a senator and president?

He made complete fools out of his base and even bigger fools out of the undecided votes that believed he was the "one" to save us all even though he told everyone who he was and what he intended to do if elected. Remember his "fundamentally changing America" speech?

Why? How did this happen? Is the voting public  completely out of touch with reality, or are they just incapable of rational thought even when given all of the facts to make rational decisions that will effect themselves and their families, they ignore what is right front of them for all to see, they vote again to diminish their lives even further.

Another question, why is this so clear to me and many others, that Mr Obama is not interested in what happens to this country, but solely devoted to his ideology of progressive socialism even to the point that our country will be severely harmed?

Are a majority of the voting public ready and willing to accept dependency just for a false promise of security from a government that is 'all things for all people'?

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