Sunday, September 21, 2014

Biden Headed to Wisconsin : But Burke Avoids Obama?

Old Joe is on his way to campaign for Mary Burke that is running for governor in Wisconsin against Scott Walker. I know, but she believes she is hear to take back the state and save it from the Republicans.

And seeing that Walker and Burke are tied in the polls even given all of the common sense that Walker has brought to Wisconsin, and running neck and neck with a progressive democrat that has no experience at all in government or anything else for that matter, sound familiar, Burke decided bringing in ol' Joe will boost her chances for success is telling in that these two are both intellectually challenged and both are selfless empty suits.

The question that remains is why would anyone actually consider voting a person, Mary Burke, that has no experience running anything in business and then wants to run an entire state, and then of all things, bring in another person that has a history of total failure in most everything he has been involved to campaign for her. This must be science fiction, right?

Just look at this man and then say, 'would I buy a used car from this guy'?

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