Sunday, July 13, 2014

United Nations Gun Control Resolution 2117 : Disarming America

A reader wanted to know if the United Nations would bring the same scrutiny to foreign gun manufacturers as they would in this country under their resolution for gun control.

I believe the United Nations is not about gun control in the strictest sense of the word. The United Nations resolution 2117 is about gun control for America, disarming the citizens here to insure an easier path for control of a nation that sets an example that contradicts that of the United Nations.

The following is my response.
Today at 6:55 AM
This proposal is a world wide effort to control all weapons in the hands of potential wrong doers, the average citizen. What this means is removing access to firearms from everyone, everywhere. This is the United Nations that believes it has a mandate to evaluate and eliminate any part of this world that has an advantage over others.

In reality of course, basically this UN resolution is about disarming the United States citizens as a means of gaining ultimate control over the population as it has occurred in Europe and elsewhere. This about bleeding America into submission to the control of others that fear America is setting an example for others to copy, how individual freedom and prosperity can be attended by anyone.

As the vote tells, the progressive socialist liberal democrats are in full agreement with total disarmament of the population. Would foreign manufactures come under this resolution as American manufactures is unclear. It has always been the preview of the UN is to bring the United States under UN control.  This is understandable as the United Nations is populated mostly by individuals that have very little in common with those of us that reside in America, a mostly free country. The same thing can be said about the democrat national committee and the democrat party it self.
The Slickster!

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