Monday, July 14, 2014

Progressive Socialists : Spreading Success By Taxation Without Representation

Mr Obama's new world vision has found some "fundamental" problems but he seems to have no idea of why others are pushing back.

I'm not happy that my agenda to "fundamentally" change this country to better reflect the reality of social justice becoming the rule of the day. It's high time to put aside our differences on the false notion of individual freedom and liberty that has made America what it is today.

I believe this country has made a lot of mistakes in the past and I have dedicated my presidency to changing how we live in America. It's way past time to account for our failures to assure a good life for everyone no matter what their position in society.

Spreading success is the foundation of my new America. National health care and Quantitative  Easing (QE) 1,2,3, is just the beginning to find the middle ground to ensure everyone has the same success as everyone else.

If you look close at our present society you will see a growing demand for helping the disadvantaged in our country. And it seems most citizens believe now we must reach out to those in our society that have succeeded to make a contribution to those less fortunate.

Social taxation is a new thing in our country, but once we see how beneficial it will be as millions find a new life without risk. I am confidant a social tax will be embraced by a majority with enthusiasm. I believe a tax on citizens to help their follow citizens is part of our heritage.'

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