Friday, May 16, 2014

White Supremacy (Video) Advocates Decry American Founding : Christianity & Capitalism Must Go

We are being 'fundamentally" changed as Mr Obama said, promised, in 2008 on the campaign trail and 5 days before in inauguration.

Worse of course, millions of voters that voted for Mr Obama and the progressive socialist liberal democrats in 2008 are still not convinced the transformation is for real as they voted again in 2012 for more of the same suppression of freedoms ideology promised by democrats.

Will the voting public have an awakening before this November's election? Hopefully yes, but there is no guarantee the publics fear of being cast adrift to fend for themselves will be over come by their pride in personal achievement without the off-set the progressive socialists offers of subsides that promise life without worry or responsibility.

Who wins this battle will determine the fate of our nation. To believe otherwise is to accept dependency and poverty as the new norm.

VIDEO: Educators, Students Taught White Supremacy Behind American Founding, Modern Capitalism

Published: 10:06 AM May 13, 2014

The Education Action Group (EAG) and Progressives Today posted their first undercover video from inside the White Privilege conference in Madison. 
The speakers at WPC14 believe that white, Christian men have conspired over the years to keep racism alive and well. They say their goal since colonial times has been to keep working class whites and blacks separated by cultural differences and mistrust, so they will never unite and threaten their economic status.
"White supremacy has been embedded in the United States since its beginning," one speaker at the conference said.
They believe black Americans will never make significant progress unless our nation trades in free enterprise for a socialist type of economy. They would also like to reduce – or eliminate – the influence of Christianity, which they consider just another tool to help the wealthy hold blacks and other workers down.
"It’s very similar to how we might define racism or sexism or other systems of oppression," another speaker said, referring to Christianity.
The worst part is that the White Privilege movement is focused on thousands of K-12 teachers, so they will take the anti-American message back to their classrooms and share it with naïve students while their parents are not paying attention.
We'll feature more of the videos from inside Madison's White Privilege conference here at RightWisconsin.

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