Friday, May 09, 2014

Canadian Health Care : Disaster IS In the Details (ObamaCare)

This might be just a story to illustrate a how people feel about the future of health care in America. But one has to know, given the multitude of first had accounts of the disaster that Canadian health care is this could be true testimony.

In any event, ObamaCare will and is bring huge changes to our heath care system, and as history has shown so far, none of it's good.

But hey, don't worry about it, just vote for more progressive democrats like everyone did last time, they are promising things will be better, they just need more time. What you should worry about is that there are millions that will always believe what the democrats say and vote accordingly.

(Author unknown)
Subject: my doctor
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 19:26:35 -0700 N Idaho EB

I saw my doctor yesterday and in the course of our conversation, I told him about my sister in Canada who developed a huge clot in her upper leg.  She was in extreme pain and her leg was so swollen she couldn't bend her knee.  (Her knee was 3x it's size.)  Her daughter took her to the hospital where they confirmed that it was a huge clot.
I was apalled and the doctor just asked me how old my sister was (61).  He said we will very soon be in the same position.
He said he always loved being a doctor but not anymore (He's probably a little younger than me)  Regulators had just spent two weeks at his clinic and so much of their time is paperwork now and rules made by non-medical personnel.
He said they are harassing and trying to drive GPs out of practicing.  He said they are frustrated at not being able to practice good medicine, and feels the plan is to drive regular doctors out and then bring in foreign doctors with little training that are "cost effective"
Those who are older, poorer, or just on medicare will not be hospitilized or receive adequate care.
I doubt he will practicing much longer.
It's all the reasons we knew Obamacare etc was bad but it's happening sooner than I expected.

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