Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Progressives Debate Social Issues by Attacking Moral Standings : LIBRTARDS (Linus & Lucy)

cid:80AE6D3124BF4ACE9EA509783D47A790@DonPCIt appears the progressive socialist liberal democrat play book has a finite number of pages to cover most situations that a member of the congregation will encounter when debating in public, but when there is nothing in the book to cover pointed and logical questions, the member must fall back using answers that are just more judgment questions or statements as Lucy has here. It works every time.

Republicans and Conservatives do not want to be seen as judgmental or aggressive in their responses to obviously aggressive questions that concern moral judgments.

The general public sees the Republicans as a moral group, so when they are attacked by progressive liberals democrat on moral issues but don't have good pointed answers, they are seen as weak in the public eye and the democrats assume the high ground even though the democrat are understood as having no moral commitments in the community. Democrats are seen as being angry and aggressive, always seeking to characterize, attacking their opposition as lesser individuals that are out of touch with the times.

The general public doesn't recognize democrats as having or needing any moral standing and therefore democrats are never accused of being relational or committed to any ideology other then the one were they promise perpetual security, socialism.

Unfortunately, it seems,  a majority of the population has fallen into the category of dependency as the economy and the life styles of many people changed for the worse, and therefore ready to support the hand that feeds them.

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