Saturday, May 05, 2012

Health Care Melt Down : ObamaCare

Obama officials live in a different world, that is, one where life doesn't exist to expand and mature, the progressive sees life for all underclasses as just surviving from one day to the next.

It's not about self fulfillment and exceptional reward for hard work and intellectual achievement for progressive liberal, it's one of waiting for others to determine their future.

National Center for Policy Analysis
The House Ways and Means Committee released a report that says 71 of the nation's top companies could save almost $30 billion in 2014 by dropping health insurance coverage for their employees and paying the fine instead.

Critics say employers won't drop health insurance to stay competitive in the job market. But remember what happened to defined benefit pension plans that top companies used to offer? In 1985, 89 percent offered a traditional defined benefit plan to new employees. By 2007, just 28 percent offered a defined benefit plan to new employees.

The nation's top companies don't want to drop health insurance benefits their employees like but expensive new federal mandates under ObamaCare will force them to re-evaluate and possibly drop the benefits. And once that happens, the floodgates could open. There are millions of smaller companies that will face the same problem.

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