Monday, November 07, 2011

TARP and Hank Paulson : A DNC Player?

Here are a few question I have on Hank Paulson.

Who is Hank Paulson?
What part did he play in the 2008 500 billion run on the banks and what has been done on finding what happened?
Was this real or staged?
Who was responsible for this bank run?
What part did Paulson play in 'fixing' the problem?
Was Paulson already in the Democrats camp while Treasury Secretary for Bush?
Did Paulson's back ground, CEO of Goldman Sacks, play a part in TRAP?
When the 500 billion run on the banks didn't work as planned, what came next? Start a run on all banks?
What part did Paulson play with Dick Durban and Barney Frank in starting the run on the bank in California and then the rest of the country? Was this plan B to use when the first attack failed?

I guess I want to know if Hank Paulson was a willing player from the beginning of the melt down and how the big banks got the lions share of the TARP money to use.

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