Sunday, November 20, 2011

Busniess Conditions In California : Catastrophic

Little wonder California is going under - for decades it has be run by liberal Democrats and those that don't know who they are so they just 'go along to get along', Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I not sure which is worse, those that we know are progressive liberal left Democrats or those that tell us they are Republicans but in reality perform as progressives Democrats.

Progressives are not hiding their socialist agenda where as the RENO Republican, Republican In Name Only, doesn't even have a basic knowledge of Conservatism, and yet they proclaim loudly when ever they have camera time their Conservative agenda, but when the time comes to vote for those principals, they slide into the agenda of 'I just want to get along so we have to compromise to get things done'.

Either they believe or they don't. There can't be compromise on principle. In November, watch them closely and vote them out.

California: Toxic for Business
Source: Wendell Cox and Steven Malanga, "California -- Toxic for Business," Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2011.

For years, California could rely on its temperate climate and talented workforce to attract and keep businesses even as taxes and regulations increased. No more. In surveys, executives regularly express the view that California has one of the country's most toxic business environments, and they say it is one of the least likely places they would open or expand a company.

Many firms headquartered in the state say they have forsaken expansion in the state, say Wendell Cox, an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis, and Steven Malanga, a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute.

California has an unemployment rate some 2 percentage points over the national average.
From 1992 to 2000 California added 777,000 more jobs from start-ups than it lost to closures, but it lost 262,000 more jobs than it gained between 2000 and 2008. Additionally, jobs are migrating out of California faster than they are entering, with a net loss of
some 80,000 jobs to migration to states such as Texas and Oregon between 2000 and 2008.

Among those jobs that the state has created, 35 percent of them were in construction and real estate -- jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts have since disappeared. California's dismal business environment is due to a multitude of factors, including its burdensome regulatory climate, tax policies and steep litigation costs.

Through labor and environmental regulations, California has scared away a number of businesses that cannot afford to take on the additional expenses associated with abiding by the complex statutes. Researchers have estimated that regulations cost the state's businesses $493 billion annually, or nearly $135,000 per company, and this has caused numerous businesses to flee to relatively regulation-free states.

Significant corporate tax policies have also made California unattractive to businesses. According to the Tax Foundation, California imposes the nation's second-heaviest tax burden on businesses.

Lastly, the fear of litigation drives businesses away, especially when dealt in tandem with the complex regulatory climate.

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