Thursday, November 03, 2011

California Increases Flight Into Economic Dumpster

Insanity knows no bounds. Democrat are rushing to kill the American dream where and when ever they have an opportunity. It seems California is, and always has been, a good place to do their most destructive work. There seems to be more people there that are willing to subject themselves to any deprivation necessary to remain in a warm climate.

Also, it has always been a state where taking from others was easier than most any other place in the country. Now it seems the 'others' are leaving, escaping the warm climate nightmare.

Climate change here is just a 'front' issue for the progressive socialist Democrats, they know it's a fraud but useful to their agenda, to take control of the resources that supply and support our way of living. Once the progressive have this control they will have the power to tell all of us how we will live our lives. In other words, we will be slaves to the Democrats socialist nightmare.

California's New Green Tax
Source: "California's New Green Tax," Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2011.

The state of California has become the first jurisdiction in the United States to adopt a full-scale cap-and-trade system for its carbon emissions. The institution of the new tax comes at a time when many members of similar (though not identical) pacts are slowly jumping ship, as can be seen in the gradual deterioration of the 10-state agreement in the American northeast.

Furthermore, an EU commission report recently concluded that even efforts by an entire continent are insignificant in the movement to slow global warming, begging the question of what a single state can hope to accomplish on its own. The report also pointed out that while green policies such as a cap-and-trade tax help to address climate change, they have a palpably negative impact on the ability of local firms to compete, which is an extremely relevant fact for California, which has the second-highest rate of unemployment in the United States, says the Wall Street Journal.

The new tax will call for a 30 percent reduction in carbon emissions from power plants, manufacturers, cars and trucks by 2020.

A 2009 study by the California Small Business Roundtable concluded that the costs of the new tax could total $3,857 per household by the end of 2020. The state of California is already facing 11.9 percent unemployment with 2.1 million people out of work.

The Western State Petroleum Administration estimates that the new law could cost its members up to $540 million in higher costs in the first two years alone.

The tax, which was signed into law in 2006, outlived the turn against cap-and-trade that took place in the national arena when U.S. Senate Democrats killed a similar tax in 2010 that would have been implemented nationwide. Nevertheless, critics of the new tax formed a substantial opposition bloc that included substantial support from unions that operate within the state.

Recognizing the potential for new taxes to increase the rush of jobs out of the state, union workers protested the tax to the California Air Resources Board, but to no avail -- the tax will still be implemented.

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