Thursday, March 17, 2011

Walter E. Williams is Right! Greatest Generation Stand and Deliver

Walter is right. It will be a test of wills to see if the 'greatest generation' will actually put aside their need for federal hand outs and vote for a new and prosperous America in 2012.

It's time to 'stand and deliver'!

Walter E. Williams There is a distinct group of Americans who bear a large burden for today's runaway government. You ask, 'Who are they?' It's the so-called 'greatest generation.'

When those Americans were born, federal spending as a percentage of GDP was about 3 percent, as it was from 1787 to 1920 except during war. No one denies the sacrifices made and the true greatness of a generation of Americans who suffered through our worst depression, conquered the meanest tyrants during World War II and later managed to produce a level of wealth and prosperity heretofore unknown to mankind.

But this generation of Americans also laid the political foundation for the greatest betrayal of our nation's core founding principle: limited federal government exercising only constitutionally enumerated powers. It was on their watch that the foundation was laid for today's massive federal spending that tops 25 percent of GDP. A good part of that generation is still alive. Before they depart, they might do their share to help us have a federal government exercising only constitutionally enumerated powers."

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