Saturday, March 19, 2011

Budget Cuts Okay for Now : New Budget More Needed

Okay - I wonder who will step up to the plate and take a swing at the problem? Will it be the TeaParty guys or the 'old school' die-hards sitting on their collective hands?

This article has a good point, but I believe attacking the problem with a meat clever isn't the right way to go at this point in time given the cuts now are for the budget for last year. But if Paul Ryan doesn't hit the ground running with his new budget with substantial cuts for 2012, I will very disappointed in him and very angry with the government as being totally dysfunctional.

Columnist Arnold Ahlert
"In Washington, D.C., America is witnessing one of the grossest spectacles of fiscal incompetency, coupled with denial, ever perpetrated by a political party. And that's the Republicans. Democrats have made it clear that they will accept nothing less than the destruction of the republic, if that's what it take to prove progressivism is 'successful.'

Over the top? Consider this: the highest cut in the federal budget proposed by the Irresponsible Republicans is $61 billion. The Democrat Destroyers say such a cut is way over the top. Last month, in 28 days, our government spent $223 billion of money we don't have. That's nearly four times more than the cuts proposed by the Irresponsibles, every one of which will be fought tooth and nail by the Destroyers. Any questions?

I have one. At what point does this eyes-wide-open effort to bankrupt America reach the boiling point with the American public? If someone came into your house and 'borrowed' a little over seven hundred bucks -- per family member -- I bet most Americans would be pretty upset. Well try dividing $233 billion in borrowed money by 300 million Americans, and guess what: that's precisely what the Obama administration added to every citizen's share of the debt -- in one month." --

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