Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Global Warming Found Wrong Again : AccuWeather

Is this suppose to be something we didn't already know? AccuWeather isn't the first to find this out - most of us in the Midwest knew this for the last two years as the piles of snow and extreme cold in the winter and the cold springs, as well as the cool summers, told the story.

Remember the Manhattan Project where 500 scientists, climatologists and physicists, signed this document stating they don't believe the the earth is warming due to man and his life style?

Al Gore and his scientists, political and social scientists, demand that we believe them as a matter of conscience and not as a matter of fact. Liberals never rely on fact as it gets in the way of their fantasies and out right lies. Global warming is purely a grab for power over all of us using fear and misinformation as a club. Never forget, if a liberal ever told the truth, they wouldn't be a liberal any longer.

Stay tuned and keep the faith - the army of the people is coming and you are on board.

Record Lows in July Challenge Climate Change
Monday, July 27, 2009
By: Dave Eberhart

Global warming may be taking another black eye as reports an unusually cold July, which is most pronounced in the Northeast of the United States.

While it has been unusually hot in the Southwest, AccuWeather reports that 1,044 daily record low temperatures have been broken thus far in the month of July, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NCDC).

NCDC has also recorded "low highs" for the month as well, and when that figure is added to the mix, the number of record-breakers increases to 2,925 — slated to pass 3,000 before the end of the month. The period of July 17-20 was the worst, according to AccuWeather’s gleaning of the NCDC records — with more than 1,600 weather stations scattered across the country breaking records.

Furthermore in the survey, there are some dramatic “departure from average temperatures” figures thus far in July. That compilation of departures includes "-10.0" in Pennsylvania. Double-digit deficits over a month are rare, notes AccuWeather. The majority of stations are reporting departures below normal thus far — with only Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas having stations reporting above normal.

With temperatures usually peaking in the dog days of July, there are temps in the 50s in every state, and 40s in most, with some 30s.

There is also an significant lack of 85-degree days in the Northeast through July 20th.
Buffalo, Albany, Boston, Chicago, and Cincinnati have all logged 0 days in July above 85. Detroit, Pittsburgh, and New York have logged only 1 each.
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