Friday, July 10, 2009

Civilians With Automatic Weapons (Video) : God Bless America

Here is a fantastic video of average citizens owning and firing automatic weapons during a gun meet in our great country. What other country in this nasty world could this take place other than America. But I fear this is just a another sign of our freedom that will come under attack by Washington Marxist elites that must disarm the population if they ever hope to take total control.

Automatic weapons in the hands of civilians, along with a hundred million rifles and hand guns, is a sure defense against the subduing of the population by Marxist tyrants.

Obama will try and take these weapons out of circulation, but even with his 'Civil Defense Corp' that he has funded with billions of tax dollars, and as he has stated, that will be as strongly armed as the military, he will find it very difficult to eliminate so many weapons without a real struggle. This will be very similar to the old Soviet Union and the KGB attacking the civilian population.

As our forefather did in our great history, the population will rise up to defend itself.

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