Friday, February 20, 2009

Freedom of Speech Not Necessary : Liberal Democrats Are Enough

The liberal establishment has all newspapers and magazines and television but it's not enough - now they want talk radio as well - Just like the 'spending bill', the liberals do not want any debate on anything - debate alone bring light to their shady dealings - something that can not be tolerated.

Control of all media by one group is a good thing? You decide. Keep the faith.

The liberal Democrats’ Next Target: Rush, Hannity, Savage, Beck
It is critically important to remember that we will have many battles ahead.
Obama, along with Pelosi and Reid, are planning the most radical agenda ever in American history.

In fact, just this week Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin called for the return of the Fairness Doctrine.

This sham is nothing more than an effort to gag Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and hundreds of talk-radio hosts around the nation.
We now know that the Democrats have the votes to pass radical legislation like the Fairness Doctrine.
We need to stop them now before it’s too late.
If the liberals in Congress close down talk radio, they know they will control the flow of information to Americans.
They will be free to pass the most radical legislation ever, such as giving amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens.
This is why our work is so important at The National Republican Trust PAC.
Recently, CNN called us the “powerful National Republican Trust” -— and we have been cited by hundreds of other media including Fox News, CNN, and others.
During the last election cycle we were the third-largest political action committee in the U.S.
The big media know just how influential we were.
During the recent presidential election, our ads exposing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Obama came late, but had a devastating effect. Exit polls showed that almost every undecided voter went for John McCain.
In the special Georgia race, we raised close to $1.4 million and helped elect Republican Saxby Chambliss in a landslide.

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