Thursday, January 17, 2008

Liberal Democrats Hate Talk Radio

If you have any sense of history and remember Walter Cronkite and his sign off " and that's the way it is - ", it will be no leap of your imagination to believe we really didn't get to find out ' how it really was' until the ' new media' came along - talk radio.

All those years we were fed what the liberal Democrats and their noise makers in the old media wanted us to know and nothing more.

Just think how things would be different if we were able to get the real news instead being spoon fed the liberal agenda all those years. This is how the liberals wanted to change our country, keep the masses in the dark and then change all of the rules. How were we to know what if fact and what is fiction? - - luckily for us, along came talk radio and Fox News.

The following snip is from NewsMax on one way the liberal fascists plan to put us back in the dark - kill debate - stamp out the truth - all we need to know is what the government tells and we have to believe it. If the liberals get in control this year, we can expect a lot of big changes in this country - I can guarantee you will not like them.

The 2008 election has yet to be decided, but one thing is clear: If the Democrats win the White House, expect an all-out attack on talk radio. Political talk, as we know it, could end.
If they win, Rush, Imus, Savage, Beck, and dozens of other major hosts will be muzzled by using federal regulations to control political talk.
So, what's their plan of attack?

As Newsmax magazine reveals in its just-released special report, "The Battle for Talk Radio," leading liberals in Congress, the Democratic presidential candidates, and even some Republicans speak openly of their plans to end conservative talk radio using federal regulations.
Their weapon: a revived Fairness Doctrine, which would once again require stations to air divergent points of view — a clever ruse that makes station owners leery of airing controversial talk-radio hosts fearing law suits and federal sanctions.
With a new Fairness Doctrine, you could see many top conservative radio hosts canned.

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