Monday, January 07, 2008

How Reliable is The Power Grid?

Remember the black outs in 2003 and all of the pundits that demanded we do what ever it takes to ensure it won't happen again? As with most crises that we have, it's hot today and gone tomorrow - until it happens again and it will, but not to worry, the liberal camp says their isn't a problem just bad management of resources.

According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 'this fall's demand growth is steadily pacing development of new power supplies and the emergencies are occurring more often. They also expect the US power demand to grow twice as fast as the capacity to meet it over the coming decade'.

Why would we need to build more power plants? All we have to do is turn our thermostats down, wear more cloths in the house. Just think, your electric bill being twice as high as it is today or maybe we won't have a bill at all because their won't be any electrical power to sell.

Oh wait, no power for us that is, but the experts at the universities and Washington will have all they want - after all they are the thinkers and shakers that have the answers that will save us all from ourselves.

But all is not lost - keep the faith - the battle is joined!

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