Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hillary's Staged Debate

The last Democratic debate was a complete sham - all of the questions that were asked were Democrat operatives - the whole thing was staged, the whole damn thing.

What's worse I've haven't read anything to this effect in any of our local newspapers. As the conventional wisdom goes, had this been a Republican debate, and they staged the whole thing, it would be front page stuff - but since it was liberal Democrats, it's just routine lies and deception. In any event, the media had no intention of printing anything that would in any way embarrass Hillary. They know better than to cross the Clintons.

As was expected, CNN folded like a paper bag under the pressure applied by the Clinton machine to make sure they didn't ask any questions that demands a straight answer, and they didn't. Journalism at it's best.

I would really like to know what the average guy in the street thinks about their candidate. Does the fact that Hillary can't answer even the most straight forward question about her position on anything that concerns this country, have some effect on Democrats as to her qualifications to be president? Does it matter at all?

Well, don't despair, the fight has been joined by the best -

Keep the faith.

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