Thursday, October 19, 2006

Iranian Mullahs are Parasites

Iran is a country waiting to die - what else can one say after you read about their leaders, both religious and political or maybe they are the same. The following is just a snippet from a larger article describing how and why they like they are.

Feuding, infighting and blood-letting are the standard operating procedure in the religion of peace that aims to do whatever it can to snare the world into its fold.

Historical precedent aside, the present Shiite Iran is home to over 300,000 Mullahs. The most descriptive term for Mullah is parasite. A Mullah begins his career as a parasite, lives as a parasite and dies as a parasite, simply because he contributes absolutely nothing to the necessities of life, yet gobbles disproportionately more of whatever resources he can grab.

As a true parasite, a Mullahs very survival depends on others. It is critical for a Mullah to procure and maintain a docile, obedient host. A flock of gullible ignorant fanatics make excellent hosts and the Mullahs main task is to keep the sheep in their pen by hook or crook.

They scare the flock by horror stories of hell, and entice them by the promise of unimaginable glorious paradise if and only if they behave and keep on supplying them with milk, wool and meat.

- - what the virgins?

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