Monday, November 04, 2024

Did Kamomala Ever Work, At Mickee Dees!? The Jury Is Out!?

 Most people over the last twenty years, given her history, never actually worked a day in her life where a real paycheck was handed out! Sure, she got money from other people, but it wasn't an actual job, just an association among friends and a place ot sit until the next opportunity was set to go.

The rewards were good for all concerned! (Well, most everyone that was close to real power! Like Willy!)

Willy Brown had his ''finger in the pie'' as to what and where she would make her next move to gain more influence for herself and Willy as she moved closer to the ultimate goal. 

And then what's the next question to ask given her vast ''work'' experience in and for the development of her personal influencing? What's next? Who's next?

But again, another question is can she do the same thing that she did for Willy for her rise to power in California? How about with steel workers on strike or Chairman Xi who wants to take Taiwan!? 

How will she handle that?  hmmmm

Old goofy Joe eating ice cream and shitting his pants!
Oh well, just another day in the life of Marxist liberated 
democraaat leadership! "No joke man, this is a great job!!'

And where's Kamomala? - - - 

And this is where the narrative ends? (For now! It all comes down
to what is important to you on Tuesday!!!)

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