Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History : What Went On With "The One " In Power

Here is a little history of what was going on when "The One" was at the levers of power for 8 long years.

(Free Press International Report)

Progressive democrats “guilty as hell” but still in congress! (And why are they still in congress? They are all democrats?)

Speaking before a partisan crowd of hundreds, mostly press, on a campaign stop, Mr. Obama spared no candor when he introduced Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep Barney Frank who, at the last minute, agreed to stand with the President to represent solidarity with his political policies.

His off teleprompter remarks as follows shocked the press and the crowd. “Okay everybody, I want you to know why our country is failing economically, almost every other way as well, but here’s the reason so many home mortgages are underwater. See these two guys – they are responsibly for the entire mess in the housing industry. I had nothing to do with it. In fact, ah, they are the ones that brought our entire country to its knees dreaming up this very bad policy.''

''George Bush left me with troubles as well. I inherited a mess when I took office and I did my best to solve the problems, but Republicans tried to stop every solution that I put forward. Believe me, I did everything I could. It was worse the I thought even after 8 years! But I said I would ‘’fundamentally change America’’ and I have. My religious jihad is working!''

‘’I am the one you have been waiting for! Would I lie to you just to gain personal political power?”

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