Thursday, October 24, 2019

Completed Conservative Health Care Plan Released : It Works AND Affordable!(Podcast)

PhotoHere is a great update to the health care problem in our country. The Conservative Republicans have released a plan for the country to read and understand how it will begin the process of providing access for affordable heath care for everyone.

I'm puzzled though why this isn't national news!? It's a great plan, common sense plan that seems to cover all the bases.

Rep. Mike Johnson on Conservatives’ New Health Care Plan
Rachel del Guidice / /

It’s been two years since Republicans fell one vote short of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Since then, Democrats have moved further to the left and pushed for a single-payer system, while Republicans have developed free-market alternatives. 

In today’s special edition of The Daily Signal Podcast, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., shares about a new plan put forward by the Republican Study Committee, which he says would lower costs and expand options for Americans. His interview begins at 8:15.

This episode was recorded at President’s Club, an annual gathering of Heritage Foundation supporters in Washington, D.C.

Podcast :

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