Monday, September 24, 2018

Understanding Redistribution of Wealth : OgbjmaCare Rit-Large

Here's something that illustrates the progressive socialist liberal democrat ideology for the ''transformation'' of the American legacy of the freedom to chose.

Voting for any democrat this November or any other time for that matter, will ensure America forever changed. And once that change has taken place getting freedom back will be nearly impossible.

Living under the rule of one party and one centralized authority that will be 'all things for all people' a nightmare beyond anything we can possible foresee or understand the catastrophic results of such living conditions.

When Reagan said ''the loss of individual freedom is only one election away'', he understood what it means for America to fall asleep at the wheel on election day. 

Remember as well, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''. It's true. We are witnessing today the insurgency of progressive liberalism at it's worst with the attacks on Judge Kavanuagh.

Most of us down here in the trenches of reality see these attacks as the ravings of lunatics, but they, the socialist democrats believe what they are doing is right and proper for America. It's who they really are.

Don't know who wrote this but it's a sign post for clarity of intent by progressive socialists democrats.

 As humorous as it sounds..... every last word is absolutely TRUE!
 1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
 2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
 3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
 4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, so it will be 'free-of-charge' to them.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is called "redistribution of wealth" or, by its more common name, "SOCIALISM,"or "PROGRESSIVISM". 

Also this is part of Barrrack's religious jihad for the ''transformation'' of civil society. OgbjmaCare is only the first step of the 13 steps to the demise of the American dream.

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