Sunday, September 16, 2018

Kavanaugh Hearings : democrats Explain Their Ideology

Progressive socialsit liberal democrats unleash insanity for all to see at Kavanaugh hearings. It seems the progressive democrats don't understand or believe what they are doing is contentious or shameless, let alone unethical and immoral.

They really believe their behavior is in the best interest of the country, especially for the democrat unhinged base voters. That their ideology will destroy our civil society is of no concern other then that is their intention in the first place.

The question that remains looming large today, why would anyone willingly vote for insanity? How will electing someone that has a personal and socialist ideological stake in the election be of serve to the nation that is based on individual freedom? Socialism is based on control of outcomes!

Never vote democrat. Their history of destruction is legion.

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