Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Socialism Drives democrats To Destruction

democrats believe the god of government is all things to all people.

They are not the party of your dad - they are progressive  socialist liberal democrats, which explains everything.

If we want to live in a civil society of people that are free to make decisions that effect your well being and your future without a government bureaucrat interfering and make those decisions for you, do not vote for a democrat.

It appears many are campaigning on Conservative values, but don't be fooled, they are still progressive liberal democrats and will vote the socialist party line every time.

It's in their DNA. It's who the are and always have been. It's just now that they are running scared now that the people actually have decided it really is time for a change in leadership. They made that clear enough even for hard core democrats November 2016.

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