Saturday, November 04, 2017

Congress Stalls Progress For America : Established Power Defends Itself

When we talk about how worthless congress is, I don't believe we have and idea of just how worthless they are.

Decades, if not generations of settled power in the hands of a few can only reap tyranny.

The progressive democrats are aren't hiding who they are. We know them as domestic terrorists willingly to destroy our free and civil society of 240 years with misinformation, bigotry and violence. It's just who they are.

But what we are having a hard time of understanding and digesting is the Republicans and worse the Conservatives that are acting like democrats, or just plain hiding under their collective desks unwilling and unable to stand up and articulate their principals that will bring a new direction for prosperity to our nation that is in decline.

As the saying goes 'one must hold your enemies close and your friends even closer' is especially true now as we can't for the most part tell the difference.

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