Saturday, June 18, 2016

Terror Is A Tool For Demanding Obedience : Mr Ogbjma Refuses Acknowledgement

John Bolton, our next secretary of state, is almost right in his summation of the Ogbjma's administrations, but in reality it is his attempt to correct the sins of our nation and those that were committed against his father.

What Mr Bolton should know and understand is Mr Ogbjma knows exactly what terrorism is all about and he welcomes it in America as tool to bring about his fundamental transformation he promised back in 2008.

''If I'm elected the presidency of the United States I will fundamentally transform America" And what better way to do that then to destroy it's very foundations of personal liberty and freedom to chose one's own destiny.

Mr Ogbjma's religious transformation jihad of compliance that demands obedience to his government as god for all the people to live and work as he says they must or suffer the consequences for disobedience.

Mr Ogbjma believes there is only one god and it's his god, all others must obey or be punished. Ignoring the results of terror is just one tool to bring compliance and obedience to a population that doesn't yet understand the meaning of fear that righteous retribution can bring.

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