Saturday, June 04, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Principles of Economics : Take From Others

Sanders Donors copy
Just imagine Bernie becomes president applying the 'bern' to the rest of us to pay for all the free stuff he promised his congregation of free loaders.

The question that remains is why do so many among us flock to hear the rants of a progressive socialist or worse, a neo-communist that believes the only solution to Americas problems is to take from the productive and give to the unproductive.

Then it all makes sense as well that the difference between Bernie and Hillary is, Hillary will take from the productive and keep if for her self and her friends.

But if you can make the case, in believable common sense terms, how taking success from certain people and then giving those rewards for hard work and diligence to others that have not done anything to achieve success, will benefit the entire country now and into the future, please make the case for progressive socialism.

Millions in the work force that are working hard that have a sense of self preservation and are proud to show they have a solid work ethic that has propelled them to be successful individuals in their communities are all ears.

Mr Sanders entire life has been dedicated to an agenda and ideology of failed systems around the world, and he had no intention of hiding his past history. When he got married he honey-mooned in Moscow.  Feeling the 'Bern' yet?

Bernie's agenda is a simple one that we and others have shown to be his overriding political principle, 'Each according to ones needs and from each according to ones abilities'. If this statement of political ideology is news to you, we are headed for some really bad times in America.

More Free Stuff copy

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