Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The New Millennials Vote to 'Bern' the Establishment : Then What?

The question that remains is what will be the reaction to voting by the young and unconnected intellectuals that are now confused and directionless in our society, especially now that the "one they have been waiting for" is no longer the 'one'?

What went wrong? It seemed so right and easy.

The easy path for the new leaders to come is to accept the notion the young are better prepared to handle the 'new wave' of intellectualism that seems to be the accepted path to success these days, and that they knowingly have decided to take the next step towards an 'all things for all people' way of life.

The new breed believes Bernie's our man for the future of the country. The fat cats have taken everything for themselves the working class has worked hard for, so now it's time to take it back. Make them feel the 'bern'. Right on, right on!!

But don't worry reality, Hillary will save the day for everyone when things go bad. She says it will be more of the same. Really?

The problem of course is someone has to pay the freight for all the free stuff, and whether they know it or not, the productive that are carrying the load now will be gone in short order, so who will be left to carry the nonproductive to the finish line?

On no! You guessed it. Now what do we do? Stupid is that stupid does.

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