Friday, February 26, 2016

National Anthem Sung by 500 High School choir Students : Fantastic!! (Video)

This quite exceptional - it will bring a tear to your eye for anyone that still believes America is truly the land where the lights are still on in that shining city on the hill.
The All State Choir conference [KMEA] in Louisville, Kentucky. Night fell and the competitors returned to the Hyatt hotel to rest up for the strenuous day of song ahead. But of course, music never sleeps.
In the video, the choir participants can be seen emerging from their rooms, joining together to sing our National Anthem in a rendition that would make anyone shed a tear. These talented singers make sweet, sweet music from the 18 floors of the hotel. Try not to shed a tear for America. Just try.
Our National Anthem
500 high school choir students sing the U.S. National anthem in a high-rise hotel.  Each night before curfew, they gather on their balconies to sing the Star-Spangled Banner from the balconies of the 18-story atrium at Louisville's downtown Hyatt Regency as part of the Kentucky Music Educators convention.  Beautiful!

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