Monday, October 19, 2015

Newsweek : We Are All Socialists Now?

newsweek all socialists
Truly, the progressive socialists democrat believe they have a mandate to " fundamentally change" America as Mr Objma said back in 2008. That a major magazine would even hint that this was a good idea says a lot about the idea the progressive socialists are not like other citizens in this country. They are DNA different. They are a species apart from common sense humans that have the ability to see and understand what reality looks like and accept the premise that it actually exist.

For the most part, progressive democrat do not accept the cognitive concept that there is a reality. For the progressive democrat there is only fantasy and a make believe world that supports their ideology. They make up the facts as the go along to support their beliefs. And what makes it easier for the progressive to remain in there collective world of make believe is the main stream press is their personal spokesmen.

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