Saturday, October 31, 2015

Debate Postscript for CNBC : Mirror Mirror On the Wall -

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What I find as a positive outcome during the Republican debates was many progressive democrats were probably watching this nightmare on one of their personally selected channels.

If this was on Fox, many progressive liberals would not have seen any part of this total melt down of the defenses that the partisan news media uses to fool their base into believing that they actually tell the truth.

Many a progressive socialist liberal democrat head had to be exploding when they saw the entire group of Republican candidates on stage attacking the moderators. Maybe not right away, but after that seen of Cruz's perfect explanation of outright bias on the part of moderators, of the audacity of Republicans actually making a stand on principle, will linger 'rent free'  in the heads of the democrats. What was that? What just happened?

After this debate, this narrative of 'we deliver the news you can use' will hard to sell even for some that have been deep in the trenches of democrat fantasies of what reality or the truth actually is.

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