Saturday, August 04, 2012

Armed Citizen : Good People

The armed citizen is on the front lines - believe this is good for all of us. Watch this video :

Richard Walker - Chief Operating Officer - National Center for Policy Analysis
The tragedy in Aurora, Colorado has led to a lot of unfortunate misinformation about firearms. Let's try to add some facts to the justified emotion.

In the typical Western movie, everyone has a gun. When they go into a bar, they start drinking. Then, they start insulting each other. Before long, they start shooting each other. It may be good theater, but it's lousy history. Turns out, nineteenth century Dodge City was more peaceful than most American cities are today! Robert Heinlein explained why: "An armed society is a polite society," he wrote.

Overall, some of the most heavily-armed states have very low violent crime rates and vice versa. Also, it appears that when the good guys are armed there is less gun violence. Research by John Lott shows that allowing citizens the right to carry concealed handguns reduces violent crime. States that passed right-to-carry concealed handgun laws saw about a 1.7% drop in the murder rate per year for ten years. In states that enacted right-to-carry laws between 1977 and 1999, the overall occurrence of multiple-victim shootings dropped by a remarkable 67-percent. And since 1997, two of eight school shootings were both stopped by citizens with guns (before police even arrived at the scene).

The bottom line is cracking down on gun ownership does not maintain a stable and peaceful society. To read more about gun control, see John Goodman's blog post. Thanks for your support!

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