Thursday, September 16, 2010

ObamaCare Facts WILL Cause Health Care Collapse

That ObamaCare will work for all of us, under any circumstances, was always known to be untrue. Right from the beginning, when questioned on the provisions of the bill, most legislators did not know what was in the bill. They never read it!! It was all about the agenda and doing the bidding of others that was more important then doing what was right for the country.

Now, all those the voted for this monstrosity, that is ObamaCare, are trying to run away from it on the reelection trail. They tell stories about how they voted against it hoping the media will tell their story, and for the most part, the mainstream media is more then willing to do what it takes to get the Democrats back in office. But as the old saying goes, 'you can run but you can't hide'.

Last Tuesday's vote was just the beginning for those that decided voting for ObamaCare will be there bread and butter in the future, or so Bill Clinton told them. Clinton was wrong as usual.

May all those that believe we need more government and more central control over our lives go down in defeat in November.

Seven Empty Promises about ObamaCare
Source: Peter Suderman, "Seven Empty Promises About ObamaCare," Reason Magazine, September 9, 2010.

The president and his administration are struggling to sell ObamaCare to the public. The problem is that so many of President Obama's claims are not likely to pay off. Here are some of the seven empty promises made about ObamaCare, says Peter Suderman, an associate editor of Reason Magazine.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

A "grandfathering" provision that allows employers and insurers to continue offering plans that already exist without subjecting them to new rules and regulations was included in the new law.
But in a draft document laying out grandfathering rules, the administration admitted that after some period of time, most plans will relinquish their grandfathered status.

It will bring down the price of insurance.

Health care affordability was so crucial to the president's argument that the word made it into the title of the bill: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. So will health care costs come down? Not likely. The CBO predicted that the law will cause average health insurance premium prices to rise by 10 percent to 13 percent in the individual market.

The administration claims the bill won't cut Medicare benefits, but according to the head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) it will. Thanks to $130 billion in planned cuts to companies that offer Medicare Advantage plans, the health care law will "reduce the extra benefits that would be made available to beneficiaries through Medicare Advantage plans," says the CBO.
Officials say it will give consumers more access and greater choice, but early signs indicate that, as a result of the law, patients and consumers will have fewer options for doctors and health insurance.

Other empty promises, says Suderman, include:

It will cost about $900 billion (it will actually cost well over $1 trillion).

Reform will be paid "mostly" by shifting around money the country is already spending.

The new law will put Medicare on better fiscal footing.

1 comment:

Right Moves Project said...

Your admonition that the mammoth healthcare establishment will collapse is true, but anecdotal and metaphorical. Scientifically, the industry will suddenly, violently collapse for the same reasons that caused the recent failure of the US Housing Industry (c.2005) and the failure of numerous other industries. In fact, healthcare will soon collapse because of the same phenomena that cause the Roman Empire to collapse about 500 AD.
The first scientific explanation of this national disaster is presented in by the Right Moves Project. Check out: for more details.
Incidentally, I very much like your blog and would appreciated any comments you might offer.
Francis A. Toto
San Diego
858-278-5050 if you care to call.