Sunday, August 08, 2010

Financial Shell Game Video : Govmt. Slight of Hand

If you believe that our government is serious about financial reform, watch this video and then you decide. A true shell game played on the taxpayers by our government. Watch t he hands as they move the shells, the perfect sucker game.

Is this fact? What reason do these people have to lie? Check them out at the FDIC or where ever you like. The out come will be the same. We, as taxpayers, are still getting screwed. It never stops.

Obama says he's going after the rich to take their profits and give them to those that have no idea how to earn a living. But in reality, he is supporting the rich and enslaving the middle class to support his Marxist government agenda, income redistribution, and his political friends.

If you voted for "hope and change" back in 2008, and after you watch this video, ask your self, 'is this what I voted for'?

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