Friday, June 26, 2009

John Kerry and Liberal Democrats are Terrified of Sara Plain

Why would the liberal establishment be so terrified of Sara Palin? Easy, she is one of us, the common people, the workers, the voters! This alone brings fear to the black hearts of the tyrants and Marxist socialist that we have running our country, on both sides of the aisle.

Sadly, a large percentage of the population still can't come to grips that our America, the land of the free and home of the brave' is headed to third world status in the grips of radical socialist. A nightmare we will not be able to free our selves from for generations, if ever.

Sara Palin believes in the American dream - free enterprise - individual freedom to succeed - the individual right to chose one's own destiny.

Look the mirror and those that voted for Obama say to yourself that you didn't have anything to do with the destruction of our country, even though you voted for Obama. Say, out loud, that you who voted for this man, take no responsibility for his actions.

Keep the faith

Sen. John Kerry Wishes Sarah Palin Had Gone Missing
Thursday, June 25, 2009 8:09 AM
By: Kenneth D. Williams

Sen. John Kerry added to his long list of lame joke attempts yesterday when he wished South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's disappearance on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Speaking to some business and civic leaders he had invited to Washington, Kerry quipped: "Too bad if a governor had to go missing it couldn't have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin." The partisan crowd chuckled, but there's nothing funny about Kerry's criticisms of the Alaska governor.

Kerry has a history of making impolitic jokes. Slate magazine recalls two of Kerry's worst:
"Somebody told me the other day that the Secret Service has orders that if George Bush is shot, they're to shoot Quayle . . . There isn't any press here, is there?" (Associated Press, Nov. 16, 1988).

"What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States" (Boston Globe, April 3, 2003).
And don't forget 2006. At a campaign appearance in California for Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides, Kerry made the famously awful remark: "You know, education; if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq."

Meanwhile, Palin wasn't exactly sitting in Washington, D.C., chatting up businessmen. She was busy doing something very unfamiliar to Kerry: She was on her way to an undisclosed "overseas" location to visit deployed Alaska National Guard troops and offer thanks and support. As she wrote on her Twitter page yesterday: "Travel now to bring appreciation from their Alaska family & Natl Guard leadership to heroes in US European Command's area of responsibility."
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