Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Obama Health Care Plan : A Train Wreck!

The Heritage Foundation has some great information on the disaster that is coming to town in the form of the Obama heath care program.

The Obama plan to give health care to everyone will crush the American health care system that now covers more that 85% of the nation with excellent care. The remaining 15% is hard to identify in that many are young and don't care about health care now which makes up a large portion of the uninsured population. Lumped in with this youngsters are those that are under insured but listed as those that have no insurance.

The others are also hard to identify but this never stops the liberals from toting out the bogus number of the 40 million poor souls that don't have insurance. The socialists can't identify just who is uninsured except those on welfare. But it sure feels good to use the huge number and motivates so many to deny common sense and the need for actual facts. All we need is to believe and feel good about ourselves while someone else says they will do the heavy lifting on our health care, all the population needs to do now is shut up and stop asking questions -

Keep the faith -

Health care fairy tale

"Taxpayers take note: The true cost of the Obama reform is expected to be well in excess of $1 trillion over the next ten years," warns Heritage Foundation health care expert Bob Moffit in Human Events.

Government spending already accounts for half of all health care spending. But the Obama administration wants it to grow larger still. They're proposing vast expansions of government health care programs -- on top of those in the "stimulus" bill.

The President has impressed many on the Left with his proposed reforms. For example, one plan arranged with big health care firms would allegedly save up to $2 trillion over ten years by reducing health care costs by 1.5 percent a year. But these are "phony savings predictions," Moffit argues, based on conveniently-absent details about coordinating care and streamlining costs. The proposal is a "photo op with lofty promises and little substance," writes Heritage expert Brian Darling, and "might be used to justify…a Washington takeover of the health care system."

Many in the health care industry think a government takeover is inevitable, leading them to rally in support of the President. But "nothing is inevitable," Moffit argues, which is why now is the time for conservatives to stand up for what they believe.

As Congressional health care debates draw near, Moffit says "much depends upon how the American people will react to the details of the reform [or the lack thereof] and what exactly it means for them."

It is imperative that the American people get all the information on this issue, and that's where Heritage comes in. We've launched a comprehensive site with all the facts on the Obama health care plan. Visit the site today!

— Amanda Reinecker

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