Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bush Tax Cuts Favors Middle Class : Obama Liberals Misinform

This article by Investor's Business Daily is just another nail in the coffin of the insane rants of the liberal left that the middle class is suffering. The deception and out right lies that we see everyday in the main stream media concerning the plight of the middle class is just another effort to split the country into warring camps.

The liberals see this as a device to gain political advantage by convincing large segments of the population that the 'rich' are taking advantage of them, and if they vote for the Democrats they will in turn punish the rich by taxing them at a higher rate. That is, taking money from the productive members of our society and giving it to those that really deserve it, like the poor middle class. Read this as those that voted Democrat. This is "income redistribution", a foundation philosophy of Marxist socialism.

Sadly, many amongst us believe this to be a just cause. They don't see the 'forest for the trees' as it is the rich that provides the jobs that we all need to survive, corporations and small businesses.

But thinking about the overall well fare of the general population is not the most important factor in the agenda of the liberal left. The most important factor is getting and keeping power. This is the single most important plank in the liberals play book. The liberal call to arms is 'we must destroy America to make her better. America be damned.

Keep the faith, never give up the fight!

Middle Class Got Tax Cut Under Bush

Barack Obama's campaign pledge to "rebuild the middle class" by giving tax breaks to 95 percent of workers and their families surely won him votes.

But an analysis by Investor’s Business Daily found that the middle class already got a large tax break under President George W. Bush.

Citing data from the Congressional Budget Office, IBD disclosed that the
effective tax rate on the middle fifth of households fell from an average of about 17.1 percent under President Bill Clinton to 14.4 percent under Bush. That's a
16 percent tax cut for the middle class.

As for the oft-heard claim from the left that middle-class incomes are stagnant or shrinking, a study last year by the Minneapolis Fed concluded that "incomes of most types of middle American households have increased substantially over the past three decades."

Real household income did grow just 18 percent over the past 30 years. But after correcting for distortions in the data, Terry Fitzgerald, a Fed senior economist, found that "median household income for most household types . . . increased by 44 percent to 62 percent from 1976 to 2006." And per-person income surged 80 percent.

IBD observes, “Yes, many Americans are suffering in this recession, including the middle class. But the last thing we need is another general in a phony class war telling people how bad they have it.”

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