Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The New America : Barack Obama's America

Welcome to the New America - Barack's America! Who voted for this guy? What was their motivation?

What ever - now we have to wait and see if he will carry through on his plans to "change" America -

I find it hard to accept that American citizens could vote for someone that hates his own country. Can there actually be that many people that believe America is evil? I wonder how many people will deny they voted for him?

Keep the Faith - we are going to tested, big time on this one.


Anonymous said...

I voted for Obama.

My motivation...getting in someone who will fix the coutry, change our economy off of disappearing oil, maybe reign-in an out-of-control Executive Branch, and inspire Americans. There are a ton of issues I care about and Obama was by far closer to my opinions than McCain (certainly the social-conservatively controlled McCain we saw in the campaign).

It's absurd to accuse a US senator of hating his country. Just because a us coast-living, liberal, urban, professional, gay-marriage supporting, atheists don't agree with you doesn't mean we hate America. I'm tired of being slandered as such.

No, we love America. We love an open, tolerant, welcoming America.

I will never deny how I voted.

The Slickster! said...

That's great that you can take a stand for what you believe in, but the problem is you don't have access to the facts about your candadate - you will never get the truth about anything if it come from the main stream press.

Stop and think a minute about Barack - what do you know about him? Really know - What has he told you about himself?

Nobody knows anything about him other than the friends that he keeps and they are not good. Or the two books that he has written, about himself. I could write a great book about myself and he a hero with super powers.

All he has ever said is he wants 'change'. What does he want to change? When has he ever said anything good about this country? When?

It's too late now but still it won't hurt to find out what you have gotten us into -