Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Heritage Foundation Explains Housing Bail-out

Did you ever wonder what was really going on with the economy? Did you find it almost impossible to believe that we were as bad off as the 'drive-by media' thinks we are? Then join our little band of believers in America and her free markets.

The Heritage Foundation has a great article on the housing situation that explains in fine language what the congress is proposing to fix the problem.

I don't think it is a problem as most of the people that bought over there heads will just walk away from there loans and the financial institutions will have to dig deep to stay in the game - Why is it the tax payers problem when the financial community screws up like with the cheap loans.

The two proposals before the congress now will only hurt the economy more than help as it will support, at tax payers expense, those buyers and financial institutions that were negligent while causing problems for ever one else in the market - a short term solution with long term problems.

Take a few minutes and read this as it will help explain where we need to go from here.

Hang on to your wallets and Keep the faith, the battle is joined!

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