Monday, February 25, 2008

What is Poverty in America? Who is Poor?

I just read an article in the Heritage Foundation news letter that lays out a different take on what is poverty and who is really defined as poor.

A few days ago I posted a note about the poor in Wisconsin defined by "experts" and I found it astounding to say the least and mostly unbelievable - remember the post - the Wisconsin agency said that one in eleven families in southwestern Wisconsin could be defined as poor - ? What? Just think about that for a moment - this is just in the southwestern part of the state alone and Wisconsin is the center of liberal thinking. Champions of the poor and the down trodden? Yikes!

The media in this country wants everyone to believe that poverty is rampant and that the rich get richer, i.e. tax breaks for the rich, and the poor get nothing - read this as instigation class warfare, the liberal left wants to drive a wedge between the 'have and the have nots'.

A researcher, Robert Rector, for Heritage, did some very interesting research with the Census Bureau figures, his outcomes don't match the general knowledge or what the Bureau report wants us to believe what poverty is and who is poor. The socialist in our government agencies want us to believe all has run-a-muck in this country. It's time to dump the tax cuts, raise taxes on everyone so we can level the playing field. Where have I heard that one?

The reality of poverty is something much different then the report released by the Census Bureau. According to the Heritage report, Rector says No one will disagree that "there are real material poor in this country", but, Rector says " it is limited in scope and seventy".

Rector observations, " most of America's poor live in material conditions that would be judged as comfortable or well-off just a few generations ago." Check these findings out to see if they match anyone that you know. I bet not. Someone could be judged poor if they don't own two cars or don't go on vacation every year. Maybe it's you! Oh, come on - - - just maybe. Bill Gates would have a different definition of who is poor than you or me.

43% of all poor households actually own their own homes

80% have air conditioning compared to 36% of the entire US population in 1970

97% have a color TV

78% have a VCR or DVD player

89% own microwaves

What I want to know is, who do you know that fits the definition of being poor? Do you know someone that knows someone that's poor? I bet not - yeah I know, just look at the inner city of Milwaukee or some other large city but by whose standards and compared to what or whom.

Here again - listen carefully to what people say about anything, especially if they are very passionate - case in point the 'church of global warming'. Need I say more.

Chin up, ears open, brain in gear and keep the faith, the battle is joined!

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