Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'm back - what a treat for you - ha - Just so you know where this is all coming from, it's the great state of Wisconsin - remember, this is the state that had more voter fraud in November of 2004 than any other state - even the FBI thinks so because they are in Milwaukee trying to find what happened to 7300 votes that were miscast - Madison is next on the list and then Racine and Greenbay and who knows what they will find or where it will lead -

The governer, Jim Doyle, thinks everything is fine! We don't need a picture ID - it will only disenfranchise the old and minorities and the disabled - of course, this is all bull and he knows it, but what he knows, and so do we, that if it wasn't for this system of cheating, the democrats would never win an election. As it is, Wisconsin will go for Bush. What a hoot!

Let's see, what else happened that is of interest - well this isn't news but the Dems are on the move against the war in Iraq today on Meet the Press, I believe, maybe it was one of the other defeatists outlets, what ever, Mr Byden said since we are having so much trouble in Iraq and since it looks like the Iraq army isn't moving fast enough and after losing 1700 men and women, it is time to get out of that part of the world. We have done all we can. It's hopeless. Cut and run is the best thing at this time. Bring the troops home and all will be better. kissy kissy - 'I feel good' - as the tune goes -

The new left has no limits to their hate for Bush and the American people. They want power and they are willing to sacrifice you and me and this entire country as we know it - what would be left is anybodies guess- Just who are these people?? I'm puzzled and worried.

See you tomorrow - dam

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