Saturday, June 25, 2005

Downing Street memo? What is this thing that the liberals think is so important? It doesn't mean anything to me other than just another document in a long line of documents that concern the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The talking heads are bobbing like the German Shepard in the back window of my neighbors car. They seem to think they have something that will bring grief to the President.

It's it sad that the lives of liberals are completely engrossed in trying to destroy someone rather than trying to improve the lives of everyone? It's there job in congress to be in favor of the country in which they make a living and that has given them everything? Why, in the face of war on our own soil, are these people try and make us loose? If more people die it won't be their fault, they said we should get out of Iraq and let the terrorists have what ever they want. That way they will leave us alone so we can go about our business in peace. What?

How short sighted can a group of people be in the light of 9/11? Just think about all the people that voted for these defeatists - at least 48 million!!! How is that possible? Can there be that many people that can't take the time to think this stuff through and come up with a common sense decision that one can ' run but one can not hide ' from an enemy that has declared we all must die!! Where is the logic?

If we ignore this treat, will it go away and leave us alone? Was the attack on New York and the Pentagon just a signal to us that the Islamofascists only want the whole middle east and is this just the beginning of the third world war that could last for fifty years and destroy everything that we enjoy today. What will be left for future generations if we do nothing?

Should we do nothing about Hugo Chavez right in our back yard. He is determined to control the oil supply of all Latin America and he has declared himself a communist by his totalitarian action of seizing land and his secret police killing people in the night that Chavez believes don't think he is king. And, worse, he has enlisted the aid of Fidel Castro to help bring the all of Latin America under the heel of the communists. Castro has a lot of experience with killing people that don't agree with him.

This could work for liberals since former President Carter approved the fraudulent election of this mad man, and the fact that the liberals have a long history of cheering for the communists, can we afford to leave this mess to the next generation. I think not

The liberals have a built in excuse though - if we are attacked again it will be GWB fault - if only he would have just left them alone, everything would have been just fine - but oh no, he had to attack those poor people that only wanted to live their style of freedom. If we gave them what they wanted in the first place, the middle east, everything would be fine. dam

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